Tysso Prp-300 Driver
1st of all Happy New year. I am very new with Sambapos and like that software so much just having some issue with my printer setup. I have printer in my Juice bar which is a network printer SenSonic T300 and my driver is using PRP-300. The issue i am facing is SambaPOS dose not print any ticket to the juice bar but the printer was been setup correctly and even i can make test print on the printer without having any issue. i have attached images to check where i am doing wrong? Thanks for your support.Printer Issue2.jpg1366768 85 KBPrinter Issue.jpg1366768 77.4 KBPrinter Issue3.jpg1366768 164 KB
Tysso Prp-300 Driver
Download File: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgohhs.com%2F2u5AAF&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AOvVaw3OWEDbqp4VBkAGifIAoa37
To make use of this driver, your server (where PHP is installed) must be able to communicate with your printer. Start by generating a simple receipt and sending it to your printer using the command-line.
When trying out a new brand of printer, it's a good idea to use the "simple" CapabilityProfile, which instructs the driver to avoid the use of advanced features (generally simpler image handling, ASCII-only text).
Tysso PRP-300 80mm Printer Price 7 Feb 2023 Tysso Pos Receipt Printer online shop - HelpingIndia","description":"Tysso PRP-300 80mm POS Thermal Receipt Printer@best price list, Buy tysso pos thermal printer from Tysso PRP-300 80mm Receipt Printer Online Shop of Delhi Market.","brand":"Tysso","model":"tysso pos thermal printer","gtin":"","sku":"tysso pos thermal printer","mpn":"tysso pos thermal printer","image": " -300x300.jpg","offers": "@type": "Offer", "priceCurrency": "INR", "price": "9680.0000","url": " -prp300-80mm-pos-thermal-receipt-printer-market-price-2472", "availability": " ","priceValidUntil": "2022-03-01","itemCondition": " ","seller": "@type": "Organization", "name": "GRANIA COMPUTERS"
This is the driver to control the device, which is connected to the USB/Ethernet port, as the virtual serial port or virtual parallel port from the POS application program. It can control the USB/Ethernet connection device through the POS application program for the serial/parallel connection.
TM Virtual Port Driver for TM-S Ver.8.60eThis driver is a serial/parallel-USB conversion driver to make the TM-S9000MJ/TM-S9000II-MJ/TM-S2000MJ/TM-S2000II-MJ connected via USB accessible from a POS application through virtual COM/LPT ports, and via ethernet accessible from a POS application through virtual COM/LPT ports.